To celebrate (and procrastinate) 2009.
Cheers to 2010!
My fondest memories of 2009 (attempted in chronological order). *ahem*:
- New York! Shake Shack!
- Chicago! Hot dog!
- Imbibing with Bo for the first time...ever! "Oh man...remember when we used to play with barbies?! we're drinkin together!"
- John Legend Concert. Thanks Helen for the bday gift <3>
- My 23rd Birthday at The Bubble.
- UC Berkeley LUNAFEST. $1,115 fundraised. 200+ in attendance.
- Many many trips to the Gender Equity Resource Center =).
- District Board meetings galore.
- "Bread! Drinks! Bread Drinks! Camille, Camille, Camille!"
- District Convention 2009 -- my final one.
- Tears from the bondiest d-board ever...Lots and lots and lots of tears. Deep down inside, I wasn't the biggest softy on that board! no way! *hem hem* ET? ;)
- Career Fair.
- Class of 09's graduation.
- Cheriz + Nitt = Chezitt <3>
- Helen has a Doc <3>
- Napa. Lots of picture posing. Love at First Bite.
- Random trip to Santa Cruz for wine tasting.
- SF Marathon 2009. 4 hours and 1 minute.
- Ngail Adventures. Beta Lounge. Adesso. Easy Lounge. Jupiters. Kitty's. Infusion. Thalassas. puff puff puff...oi!
- Road trip to Portland and Seattle.Voodoo Donuts. Truffle fries.
- Clif Bar. LUNA Bar. Clif Kid. Expo expo expo. Chop chop chop. "No. You won't grow boobs if you eat LUNA Bars."
- 4 Squares at Rockridge.
- Cover letters. Interviews. Rejection.
- Leslie's Birthday with Sam Bau.
- Mashed potatoes with Jess and Less followed by the ultimate T-Day dinner =).
- Bento in a Box convo sessions.
- Getting inducted as an official Kiwanian!
- Kiwanis DCON.
- San Diego night life with Rachel, Francis, and more...>.<
- Camp Cazadero. Bakery. River. Bridge. Kiwanis!
- OkC..
- Taking Cal Train for the first time down to Sunnyvale.
- Stella, The Granny Mobile Tanke dies =(.
- Bike falls off and gets run over by bus...
- New Honda Civic =D.
- Attempting to learn the guitar.
- Cooking cooking cooking. Bartending class!
- Alameda. Lots!
- Yelping and job hunting in coffeeshops galore.
- Yogurtland opens up next to campus. *gasp*!
- Peach mumbles "Cheese Pretzel!" in her sleep.
- Yelp, yelp, and more yelp.
- Christmas and Thanksgiving Dinner = muy delicioso.
- Tiki Lounge in the middle of December.
- Peach Nipitnorasate.
- One-on-one convo's with good friends...<3>