Welcome - A Place to "Un-Vent".

The purpose of this blog is to jot down all of life's blissful moments - happy thoughts, passions, inspirations, why your day went swell, things to be grateful for, random things that just make you feel justified, satisfied, confident...just darn great!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Love is...

Love is...the ability to make someone's day infinitely better? The capacity to feel like you want to be there for someone through all their days, good and bad?

Some say that you can't love someone until you know yourself.

But, you know what?...will you EVER completely know yourself? We're constantly growing and our lives are constantly being shaped through each experience we gain. We never stop changing. So, how on earth could you ever completely know yourself let alone someone else?

Impossible. But what IS possible is being able to accept and feel that spark. That passion. That fire.

Why deny a feeling like that?

Why should something so profoundly simple to feel...be so complex to understand?

Maybe it's a naive thought. But what if...what if we just remembered why we fell in love in the first place. What if we just FELT it? What if we ignored all those "circumstances". What if we just let our emotions run wild?

All rules set aside. There are NO rules to this feeling.

You never really KNOW why. You just feel it. And then you just...let go. Your heart takes off like a speeding bullet. You can't stop it. It's gone. You can't control it. It's this unbelievable rush you get when no words are spoken.

And knowing that I can make your day infinitely better..take away your stress for the day...and the next. And the day after?

"Love as though you have never been hurt before..."

God has given me the ability to love over and over again...and though I know the repercussions of when things go wrong, I welcome it with open arms because I know how TRULY amazing it feels like when things go right.

If life is truly short, and we are to live for the moments, then I want to be able to love every single second.

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