Welcome - A Place to "Un-Vent".

The purpose of this blog is to jot down all of life's blissful moments - happy thoughts, passions, inspirations, why your day went swell, things to be grateful for, random things that just make you feel justified, satisfied, confident...just darn great!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday's Toppings

Public Transportation:
When you don't have a car, life slows down A LOT. I mean... I haven't been truly car-less for the last 5-6 years, and I can definitely say that in a car, you're constantly on the go. Rushing from one place to the next. Get in. Ignition. Windows down. Windows up. Freeway. Hit it. And I for one have always lived in the "fast lane" so to speak.

And in the last 2 weeks with Stella no longer in order, I've oh so graciously pawned rides off people, biked, taken Caltrain, BART, bus, walked, anddddd hitched a motorcycle ride.

And I want to say that all of this is testing my patience (I'm a very impatient person if you hadn't realized that yet...). But, I'm learning. I think. And perhaps it's nature's way of saying...for once...stop rushing by everything in your life and enjoy the ride.

Plus, you can say I'm being more environmentally friendly, yes? Heh.

I'm officialy a Kiwanian.
Along with Cajita, Alex, Amy, and James -- I was inducted as a true blue Berkeley Kiwanian today. As each person got up to give their intro speeches, I turned to Tony and was like "uh...I have no idea what I'm going to say...". And then finally...when I got up there, and correct me if I'm wrong...but I think I said something along the line of "I don't know what I'm going to say. I think I'm just going to cry." And I did. Amongst the many things I rambled on about.

I...am a sap. I wear my heart on my sleeve whether you like it or not. Actually, I am a strong believer that if you care intensely about something...why hide it? It's a beautiful feeling...you know...when you say you care.

Ok. Haha. Beyond that. Part of me wants to talk about my entire experience within the Kiwanis Family...but that's totally old news and most of you have already heard many versions. Plus that would only go on and on and on for decades and you'd probably want to gouge your eyes out by the 3rd paragraph...so...I'll leave it at this:

Learning how to be a "leader" through Key Club and CKI...the last...what? 9 years...? Has taught me how to be committed and most important to me - passionate. To live...and breathe...for a cause. To do things with heart.

I know it sounds like a bunch of fluff...but, why do anything without passion? A sense of purpose?

Kiwanis has taught me this. It has shaped my life. And I am proud =).

Red Velvet Cake
Moist...sweet...delicious. That is all on that topic. Mmm! Mmm!

Beautiful Night
I hope you all had the chance to look up at the sky this evening. Clear and endless. Stars twinkly. Slivered silver moon as bright as can be. With a slight cool breeze caressing your cheek...simply taking your breath away...and reminding you that...yes...you are alive!

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